Monday, June 21, 2010

It all started with a frog...

The first thing I ever put on a fly mask was a frog on a tan mask with green trim. It was for hubby's mare Chica. She is a palomino mare who likes to get down and dirty on a cow.

Then came a whole bunch more... Guitars, checkered flags, Gothic crosses, dinosaurs, flowers, the sun, moon & stars, lizards, firetrucks, tanks and military designs. I made one for a mini named Lil Bit, for the group at the Back In The Saddle Project or BITS.

Then there was a Tigger mask for Dena, and another dinosaur for Micah, a couple for Fern Valley which are under way and will soon be on their way... Just looking for one more patch that fits the horses personality.

But the latest batch to leave will be headed to California. A Fairy, whose dress and wings are shiny and glittery. She also has a row of sequins on her skirt.

A skull with a pink bow, for a mare who thinks she is just the princess of everything in her world. And who is to tell her she's not?

A rocket for Sonic and crossed pistols for none other than Pistol, of course!

To me it is not only fun making these, but the thing I like the best about them, is hearing the reactions when people get them. Hopefully the person expecting this package either has a Google blogger account or will be signing up for one. She is also interested in a few other things I will be making. Of course I will post pics and ask her for some with the horses wearing everything...


  1. They look great! I can't wait to see what my boys will look like in thiers!

  2. Love 'em! Especially the crossed pistols. Yea, right up my alley. Just like the email you sent me. I hadn't checked my email in forever, but finally did.

  3. Tartan, Lass, for gosh sakes, show me tartan!

    sorry I've been MIA.
    I been busy.

    How's JR and the kidlings?
    Congrats on your taters, you're darned right I didn't believe it. But then again, I drownded several plants again this year. I only have a green thumb on occasion.
    I have sweet peas in a pot, growing up a trellis. Here's to leaving them alone!
    I'm confessing, right here, right now.
    I am a chronic over-waterer.

  4. Whoot! I can't wait to see how Lily will look in hers!! And of course it HAS to have flowers on it and be as purty as she is!

  5. I guess I was just not thinking when I put this post up. The woman getting the masks was posting ont he BITS Project blog, so clearly she has an account. DUH!!!

    I have emailed her though, to let her know they are on their way and she chooses not to come to the blog and look. She wants it to be a surprise and compared it to opening a box at Christmas. How fun is that?

    Fern, I just found a perfect patch for Phoenix. It is sure to catch the spirit of the fire within him. And the one for Cactus is done too. I will leave the honors to you when they arrive.

    Roses, you has mail.

    BEC- Are those pants just Da Bomb or what? I posted a link to the page on Tacky Tack under the featured blue saddle. Scary thing is- it would match! ACK! I likes the matching jackets too, and not a bad price on either piece.

    GL- I will find some plaid to calm your nerves. I know you are down to having only one left. Let's hope that is remedied soon enough!

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  7. Those masks are NIFTY.

    I should order one with chocolate chips on it... for Chip! ha ha


  8. We love ours for sure. The one that was the biggest surprise was the Tigger mask for Gato.
    He was such a prick at the time and I think I may have impaired CnJs hearing for a time when I hollered GETONUPTHEREYOUSONOFABITCH!!!!! I can honestly say that the Tigger applique changed at least one of our attitudes for the better.
    Micah loves his dinosaur mask too. He has this idea that it should fit the pony he has decided to keep. We'll have to see.
    Thanks Cnj...Oh and folks if you are unconvinced in any way they are quality quality quality all the way!

  9. Fern, I'm having a tough time deciding on the one for Phoenix...

    I found an actual Phoenix but then I found this one and this one.

    CP- I can look for one with a chocolate chip, or a Hershey's Kiss or something of the like... That's what makes these fun. Maybe a Chips Ahoy cookie???

    Roses- you still haven't told me what size Rosie wears. It's not just all about Lily you know.

  10. cnj , the first and second links are the same pic. I really like the second one though an aztec sun?

  11. That's weird, because I posted it, caught that, deleted it, fixed it (or so I thought) and reposted it.

    Here is the Phoenix patch though. The sun goes so much better with what I have in mind for him though... *winks*

  12. it's cool , but I like the sunn best still

  13. Those are unbelievably cool CNJ!

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  15. Aren't they Kestral? There's a lot of different things to put on them. Sometimes that's the lengthiest part of the whole process.

  16. Wow, lots of cool designs! Who knew fly masks could be so specialized.

  17. RR- I want it all to be fun. Why not? We spend enough money on the horses because we enjoy them, right? Why can't they be proud of their stuff too?
